How to Get Your Family to Support Investing in the Best IMG Agency


If you are an international medical graduate and are seeking the US clinical experience, chances are your profile might fit the majority out there: you are relying on some family support to make your career dreams come true. If your family is getting together to contribute to your future, one of the best ways to ensure their investment countries off is to work with the best IMG agency in America so you can find the right hospital, residency program and get your LORs. But the first thing you need to understand is why an IMG is such a valuable asset to overseas medical graduates, and help your family understand how one can help you achieve your dreams.

The Best IMG Agency helps You Get Letters of Recommendation (LORs)

Obtaining a letter of recommendation is based on two main things: your ability to get placed in the right program with the right monitoring doctor, and your own performance in your role. While an IMG agency has no direct impact on your own performance once you have been placed, they can ensure that your placement puts you in a better situation to be successful and get that coveted letter of recommendation so that you can move onto the next phase of your career's journey. When doing your research for the best IMG agency, learn about their process for finding you placement. Then explain the process to your family while outlining how each step is focused on helping you achieve your career goals. 

A Top IMG Agency Will Help You Get All Your Documents in Line

There are two main types of documentation you will need prepared to have the US clinical experience: visas and paperwork for US customs, and the appropriate documents for the hospital where you will be having your clinical experience. One of the biggest inconveniences for IMGs is to do the research to determine what is needed, and get everything put together. This takes up multiple hours (if not days) of your time, and therefore gives you less time to get your affairs in order and spend time with family before you leave the country. An IMG agency can give you that precious time with your family by making the necessary arrangements for you, determining what you need, help you get everything in line, and make the departure an easy one for your family, and for you. 

An IMG Agency helps You Find the Best Housing

Finding the best housing can be a difficult and time-consuming task for international medical students. There are a number of tickmarks to hit, including location and proximity to the hospital, rent, furnished or unfurnished, number of rooms, and a multitude of other factors. It is important that medical graduates are comfortable in order to make the most of their US clinical experience, but if you are in India, Hong Kong, or another country distant from America, making these arrangements and securing a place to live can be a major pain in the neck. So let an IMG agency deal with that pain! After all, it is their job not only to get you ideal placement for doing clinical work or research, but it is also their responsibility to help you find the best accommodations that will allow you to be successful,

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