Ace Clinical and Medical Rotation Testimonials

Many trainees we work with have suggested to make an album with photos and testimonials -- since our trainees are traveling from around the world, there is reason to create extra assurance that this is a program, with people who genuinely care about helping FMGs -- Jon, the Ace.Md founder, is always eager to meet our clients in person whenever possible. On this page we will have photos and videos of our preceptors and our trainees who have used the services of American Clinical Experience 

Amin discussing his 2nd rotation with ACE in October, 2017

Diana discussing her Cardiology rotation in Los Angeles in August 2017

Aylish speaking about her General Surgery rotation that includes a research component as well

Emmanuel discussing his Internal Medicine rotation occurring in Baltimore, Maryland (this video is a bit longer than others)

Gastroenterology ACE.MD preceptor discussing his rotation in September, 2017


Visit with ACE.MD Gastroenterology Preceptor in September, 2017


Jon with trainees Elbia, Judith, and Wisam at an Internal Medicine site in August 2017.

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Visiting Sri during her Internal Medicine rotation in August 2017.

Pooja discusses her Internal Medicine rotation that she completed in Chicago

Ahmed from RCSI Bahrain speaking about a Cardiology rotation in August 2017. Earlier in the year he completed a Gastro rotation and decided to return for another experience

Badr talks about his 2nd rotation with ACE, a Los Angeles research-focused experience in 2017.

While in Los Angeles for his second rotation, Badr discusses the first rotation he had done earlier with ACE in New York

OBGYN preceptor speaking briefly about his rotation in Los Angeles in September 2017 -- this rotation is popular for OBGYN trainees interested in outpatient / inpatient experience

Dr. Oh is a practicing Plastic Surgeon in Seoul, South Korea, who came to participate in a Plastic Surgery rotation to gain more experience and familiarity with the US healthcare system in September 2017


Jon with Dr. Oh at his Plastic Surgery rotation in September, 2017

Trainee discusses her OBGYN rotation in the summer of 2017

Preceptor discussing his Neurology rotation. Trainees pay for 1 month and can have 1 month free


Jon visiting with ACE.MD Neurology preceptor in September 2017

Cardiology preceptor discussing his rotation and close partnership with ACE.MD

Trainee Shiyao discussing his Psychiatry rotation in MANDARIN -- for English please watch the video below.

Shiyao discussing his Psychiatry rotation from August, 2017 over video conference. Sorry for poor audio quality!!