How a Top IMG Agency Helps Students Find the Best Match


As an international medical graduate seeking the US clinical experience, there are multiple tasks you have to achieve that primarily involve researching, knowing the process for getting your desired clinical rotations, and starting off strong on your journey to becoming a medical doctor. Can you do this on your own? Absolutely! But most IMGs have little time to do the work, and they often face challenges in knowing how to get their ideal hospital, mentor, location, and even the right housing let alone navigate around the necessary paperwork needed to legally enter the country. 

If you have the time to do all of this work, and you feel confident in your abilities, then certainly set out and make the attempt. But if you are like most IMGs with families and responsibilities at home to take care of before you leave, then working with an IMG agency could be the best thing you ever do to advance your career. In fact, many families that lend financial assistance to people just like you invest in an IMG agency to ensure their family member gets the best US clinical experience possible. 

This article is intended to help medical graduates and their families learn how an IMG agency can help get students the best US clinical experience, while giving them that much desired time to be with family and tie up loose ends before leaving the country to further their career in medicine. 

Getting Your Hospital Letterhead of Recommendation (LORs)

A letter of recommendation on a hospital letterhead, from a respected program, if your ultimate goal. In fact, most medical graduates who partner with IMG agencies say that their number one reason for doing so is to get the highly competitive LORs they need to move on into that next monumental phase of becoming a doctor. The best IMG agencies will take the time to learn all your needs, short-term, and long-term goals, and based on these wishes along with your area of specialty, place you in the best position to get your LORs, in a highly competitive environment when thousands of other IMGs are trying to achieve the same thing, and even take the very seat you have your eyes set on. An IMG agency has the ability to help you get into the best hospital with the highest reputation for your field, and secure you the letter of recommendation you need by navigating the system with zero errors and efficiency.

An IMG Agency Assigns You a Case Manager to be Your Wingman

Once you apply to partner with a top IMG agency, you will be assigned a case manager. This person will have a consultation interview with you to learn more about your needs and goals and talk about the best matches available for your rotations and dates. Really, a case manager from a reputable IMG agency is your partner through every step of the process. They are responsible for handling all your concerns, and the top IMG agency case manager will always respond within a 48 hour window of time. These case managers know every specific detail about all the doctors, every program, and what documentation is required, When you partner with an IMG agency, you will enjoy an expedited experience in getting the best clinical rotations and placement, with no headache or hassle, and you will automatically be in a stress-free position to begin your US clinical experience with no major concerns or obstacles still standing in your way. 

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